words by Greenbox design company limited

Project Name : The waterfall house
Owner : Kaan Vanapruks
Architects : Greenbox design company limited
Interior : Kaan Vanapruks
Year : 2022
Location : Phaholyothin 30, Bangkok, Thailand
Structure design : Twodeedesign & Development
M&E Engineer : TSP innovation
Contractor : WELL1997
Interior Contractor : BUSARAKUM NAKAVISUTE
Landscape Contractor : Green Volunteer Company Limited
Photographs : PanoramicStudio
The Waterfall House covers an area of 140 square meters and is only a few hundred meters away from the Ratchayothin intersection. Apartments, schools, and residences surround the surrounding environment of this land. How can we maintain the privacy of this house in the urban environment? What will affect the privacy of the homeowner and the privacy of the homeowner? According to the living space conditions and land area desired by the owner, the house defaults to a vertical place.

The first thing we plan to design is to sort the access in the public, semi-public, and private areas. The first floor is the public area of the house, while the second and third floors are for families. It includes a bedroom and a living room, with some traffic noise in busy space conditions, and We have decided to set the swimming pool location on the main family area on the 2nd to 3rd floors. In addition to continuous use with the family living room, what else does the house return? We also got a large waterfall that flows to the first floor using the ridge material we chose. This house has the sound of a waterfall, which can cover up external noise, even when there are guests and noise on the first floor. The sound of the waterfall also plays a tuning role so that the sound of the living room does not disturb other house members.
Considering the privacy of everyone in the house and our neighbors, we have built a sturdy wall in the north next to the apartment. This wall creates privacy and reflects sunlight from the south into indirect light. In other areas of the house, not too close to the neighbors, keep the family room bright all day. We choose to associate certain regions of the house with the urban background. Many of the house can also see the urban landscape with our desired quality.

The architectural language used in this house is very simple for every living space we want. We choose transparent buildings that connect with internal and external spaces in semi-public spaces. At the same time, you can note that Private areas are opaque (mass), but there are also appropriate light and wind channels.

Another purpose of the house design is to have a vertical appearance in tropical climates. Therefore, we are trying to find a design method that allows indoor hot air to be discharged from the room. Thus, the "chimney" Inserts each part of the house vertically, as the hot air mass naturally rises to a higher level based on air pressure. The hot air mass will float on the "chimney" of the house, and the external temperature will automatically change.

We hope that by working hard to raise questions and solve the problems in our design, residents do not have to adapt to their homes in the new environment. Many. We are just learning and organizing the lives and well-being of residents in a new environment.